Hello world!
Hi there. My name is Abdulaziz Dandachi (AbdulDan.com should make sense now I guess). This is my personal blog. I hope you find anything that’s interesting to you here. I share my thoughts and notes to self in English and Arabic (if you can teach me another language, I’ll be more than happy to use…
هنا كنا
هنا كانوا وكنا في صباناوتشهد حبنا هذي الكراسي لعمري إن شوقي قد تمادىوأوغل في الحشا رغم احتراسي
اسمع مني ما يلي
هذه الصبية لن تحبك، وهذا الشاب لا يرغب بصحبتك، وذلك الجار لا تعنيه جيرتك شيئًا ولن تؤثر عليه إن بقيت أو رحلت. حتى صديقك القديم مل منك، ورغب عنك، ولم تعد أنت وجهته الأولى ولا الأخيرة ربما. تلك الشركة – في معظم الأحيان – لا تحتاجك، والوظيفة التي رفضوا أن تتسلمها ستُشغَل غدًا أو بعد…
What To Learn From Harry Mack?
“Harry Mack” is an Internet sensation that has been blowing up slowly but surely in the past few years. He is a freestyle rapper who is largely known for his live freestyle bars on the streets of LA and sometimes other cities. Since the pandemic paralyzed our world at the beginning of 2020, Harry Mack…
True Life Story
Nothing tells my life story better and gives a truly unfiltered picture of it, day in and day out, more than an album of the photos taken of me by the tollway camera!
The Gordon Ramsay Concept
I don’t know if this guy is still cool or relevant as of today (in my book, he will always be), but Gordon Ramsay has a brilliant business vision. He tries to apply and spread a certain concept wherever he goes, but it’s not always embraced the way he wants it to be. This concept…
Overdue Epiphanies
One of the things I’m starting to realize is that there are certain people in my life that I consider some of the dearest and closest people to my heart. Till this day, they still are. The unsettling truth is that, for them, I am one of the people on which the famous rule “change…
The “Leo Messi” Army: How Did They Break The Cycle?
After watching Lionel Messi hoist the long waited world cup trophy, an instant realization hit me. I came to the conclusion that one of the most important factors that contributed in creating a team that could finally stop the constant losing of big games and championships by Messi’s Argentina is the fact that this particular…
فلتبلغن من السنين كفايةتبقيك في كل العجائب زاهدا لا شيء في عينيك يغدو مغرياولتصبحن على التعود شاهدا
يا سعد قلبي
يا سعد قلبي بانحناء خدودهاوشعاعِ نورٍ في ملامحها ارتسم كحديقةٍ تزهو بلون ورودهاوتمرد القمر النقي إذا ابتسم كغزالة ضحكت بعز شرودهاسبحان من أعطى وأجزل إذ قسم